How to track Web Proxy listeners?

Roberto Rivera

New Member
After making the Web Proxy player more visible in our landing page we've seen a slight surge in listeners. However we are aware of it only while actively watching the (Active) Listeners section of the Control Panel.

Our station is hosted on ( and every web proxy user in the Listeners page appears with this IP and UNKNOWN as its Country/City. While they are connected we can "see" them. However, once they are disconnected they do not appear (or that IP does not appear) in the Reports section of the Control Panel. I tried loading ALL listeners's IP in the report page (took a while) and the ip was not listed. (Either by Sessions, nor Listener Minutes).

If I go into the logs I can see those connections in the TailLog and the available Log files. I also tried downloading All logs, but after archiving them I got a 403 (Forbidden) error. (Will be making a new thread on the logs afterwards to keep topics segregated). The available logs don't go too far back so essentially there is no way (I can see right now) to report 7, 14, 30, or more days on the Web Proxy Listeners.

Thank you! :)

EDIT: grammar (hopefully)
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Sorry for the delay.

I have fixed the permissions issue on your logs and they are downloadable now. There's an odd bug in centova which occasionally causes this.

That's odd that you see all web proxy listeners as because when we tune in via the web proxy (using VLC) we see it as our actual IP. I do notice that the one entry I can see to the has a useragent of "Web-based (Flash) Player". I wonder if the flash flash players have this problem.

Centova may well be ignoring the ip in the reports as we can't see it either.
Right! For me, having all the Web Proxy listeners bundled up, is actually a plus. That way I know how many firewalls, are we "breaking through".

In an ideal scenario, a separate report that identifies Web Proxy listeners by location, minutes listened, or sessions initiated would be nice. But practically right now (if possible), it would actually be perfect if the reports at least have all the connections from

If for some reason it's not possible to "see" these users in the reports, it's not too big a deal, as I'm currently writing a script to get that info from the logs. (Thanks for enabling that access, works like a charm :) ).

Thank you very much! :)
Interesting. I see all the options on your site and its the following link which causes the " / Web-based (Flash) Player" to appear in the Live Listener Report.

<audio id="audio-player" src=";" controls="controls" type="audio/mpeg" preload="none"></audio>

I'm really not sure why that link doesn't show the actual IP in the Listener report and loading the playlist file into an external player does show the actual IP. The logs show the same.

If this is useful to you then great :) Unfortunately as the reports are generated by Centova Cast we are unable to tweak them to provide a separate report. Writing your own script to parse the downloaded reports is the way to go for implementing what you want. We keep the logs available for 31 days instead of Centova Cast's default of 7 to allow people time to download and process them as they require.

Hope this helps :D
It does. (At least now I'm not writing something for nothing, or redoing something that turns out to be a feature of the Control Panel LOL).

Thanks! :)